Nothing and Everything

Mizzonk’s Nothing and Everything is a sand installation embodying impermanence and non-dual perception. Nothing is ever held, yet nothing is ever lost. The work distills Eastern philosophies into a quiet meditation on time, thought, and existence, revealing impermanence as the nature of all things.

Fleeting and eternal, dissolution and form—each arises within the other. Sand, an elusive material, captures a moment yet evokes eternity. Light and shadow shift as the observer moves, the grains resisting fixation like thought itself. The frame, both passage and mirror, affirms that observer and observed are never separate.

Here, the self does not stand apart from experience but dissolves into it. Subject and object blur, revealing a deeper continuity. The space is empty and full, transient and whole. To stand within it is to witness the truth both unsettling and liberating.

The installation Nothing and Everything won the 2015 TID (Taiwan Interior Design) Award of Space Installation Art and was published in the 2015-2017 TID Award Publication.

The installation Nothing and Everything debuted at the Center on Contemporary Art in Seattle in June 2017.

Size: 72" L x 44" W

Materials: natural sand

Chinese project description follows below.

A viewer visiting the expansive view of Mizzonk’s "Nothing and Everything," where transient sand formations capture impermanence..
Mizzonk's Nothing and Everything Sand Installation's subtle ripples in sand under directional lighting, illustrating the fluidity of thought.
A close-up of shifting sand in Mizzonk’s "Nothing and Everything," highlighting the ephemeral nature of the work. It can vanish in a swipe.
Hand-drawn light study for Mizzonk’s Nothing and Everything, illustrating shifting shadows and the ephemeral nature of sand under controlled lighting.
Conceptual sketch from Mizzonk’s Nothing and Everything, analyzing how light and shadow shape the viewer’s experience of the transient sand installation..
Mizzonk Nothing and Everything light study drawing showing directional light interacting with sand textures, exploring impermanence and perception.
Mizzonk's Nothing and Everything embodies the essence of Non-dual thinking where nothing is ever helf, yet nothing is ever lost.
Mizzonk's Nothing And Everything, an art installation capturing the moment when fleeting and eternal, dissolution and form where each arises within the other, expressed with an elusive material of sand.
Textural detail of sand formations in Mizzonk’s "Nothing and Everything," where presence and absence coexist.
Mizzonk’s "Nothing and Everything" installation, embodying the Taoist principle of impermanence through shifting sand.

觀虛實 探有無

人的心境似意識流, 如每一剎那的過往, 不停不止, 在空曠寧靜的空間裡, 微光下, 由短暫易逝的沙框來詢觀者, 一切虛實有無, 臥於觀者之心.

Mizzonk 的 觀虛實 探有無 | Nothing And Everything 是一個沙裝置,體現了無常與不二的感知。沒有什麼是永遠存在的,但也沒有什麼是永遠失去的。這件作品將東方哲學提煉為對時間、思想和存在的寧靜冥想,揭示了無常是萬物的本質。



裝置作品 觀虛實 探有無 | Nothing And Everything 榮獲2015 TID(台灣室內設計)空間裝置藝術大獎, 並刊登於 2015-2017 TID 獎刊物。

裝置作品 觀虛實 探有無 | Nothing And Everything 於2017年6月首次在西雅圖當代藝術中心展出。

尺寸:72 吋長 x 44 吋寬



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