Joy follows like a shadow that never leaves 誰來忘我?
The new participatory art project "Joy follows like a shadow that never leaves" by Mizzonk debuted in the evenings of Dec. 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2018, in Pingtung Park, a historical park located in central Pingtung City in Taiwan.
The project invites the public to dance like no one is watching. The artist Wan-Yi Lin who had no prior training in dance, recorded her shadow from an impromptu dance to the music Laidu by the African singer Rokia Traore. The artists projected the recorded video on a screen in Pingtung Park to invite the public to dance impromptu in their own way in front of the projector's light.
While casting shadows of people dancing from a directional light may not be anything new, the heart of the project lies in its cultural context. Both artists Wan-Yi Lin and Roger Chen, grew up in Taiwan, raised by a generation who cared about other people's opinions and shy of expressing themselves in public. Children have primal instincts to use their bodies to express joy and dance like no one is watching. As we get older, depending on the culture and society in which we were brought up, we seem to lose more and more of that gift and joy. Everyone can choose to dance with the music or be an onlooker; either way is a form of participation.
Everyone can choose to dance with the music or be an onlooker; either way is a form of participation.
地點屏東公園: 樂齡中心後面平台,於環球百貨斜對面圖書館後面。
日期: 12月28,29和30日,星期五 六與日晚間5點到9點
"誰來忘我?" 參與藝術計劃是以投影的方式,以一個舞動的影子來邀請群眾隨著音樂用自己的方式 即興起舞歡樂, 民眾可以參與,也可以觀看
布幕上舞動的影子是藝術家林婉怡 (Wan-Yi Lin)隨著音樂即興跳舞錄製成的影片。藝術家並沒有舞蹈背景或訓練, 因為重點不在技術,而是在投入。 這項計劃的意義不是關於舞蹈本身,而是借由人在聽到音樂節奏時引發原始的本能,邀請參觀者去走進,喚起,享受,每人與生俱來,渾然忘我,而翩翩起舞的喜樂 。以身體為工具,去連結生命原始的感性,那當下,像回到兒時,不懂或不會去在乎別人的眼光, 而“喜樂就像影子一樣跟隨, 永不離開” (英文標題的直譯, 來自佛陀語錄). 中英分別提名, 是因為中西文化不同, 以不同切入點帶入觀眾.
“忘我" 在這項計畫中涵義是: 忘去或離開被自己和社會塑造的自己 , 陶醉地走進連結生命初時的輕鬆愉悅.
我們真的可以做到在別人的目光下,盡情陶醉嗎? 而我們又為何在乎別人的眼光? 陶醉是擁抱生命的展現,越活應該越拿手,但常常確是相反的。這項參與性的藝術計劃邀請參與者用行動來說,也邀請旁觀者取決自己的目光。
看自己,也看別人,影子中的我們,並不那麼不同。 看不出年齡,美醜,形像,階層。 似乎比較容易關掉熟悉的自己,去打開發掘可能性的自己。
播放的歌曲是非州女歌手的Rokia Traore 的作品Laidu。6分多鐘的影片和歌曲會重復播放。歌詞內容探討友情。 在三年前一趟非洲之旅,我們接觸到這個曲子,深深覺得它能吸引和帶領觀眾進入這項計劃的主題.