青島21 看板藝術計畫, 屏東 台灣

site responsive billboard art project by Mizzonk, pingtung, taiwan


會做這個藝術看板,就是因為以前在中正路跟青島街的一大片國稅局的員工宿舍被拆掉,蓋了一座停車場, 其中的一座出入口就正對我先生的老家 的大門,我們當然感覺很不舒服,所以就想,旣然大家都往我們這看,那我們就來決定給大家看什麼。 我們本身是旅居加拿大的藝術工作者,所以決定裝置一個專門放藝術作品的看板。目前看板上的作品, 這件作品的題名是Where are you, 它的英直譯是 "你在哪?" 我們翻譯成中文是 "尋", 因為 "尋" 這個字比較貼近我們想表達的意境 . 它是在借用推,開,關找尋的動作,以一個輕鬆幽默的方式進而帶領觀者去探討一個內心對自我生命的定位與存在的醒思。目前是放我們自己的創作。會作不定期的更換。 如果將來有機會跟其它機構合作,也有經費的話,希望可以放其他藝術家的作品。


尋 Where are you? 

創作者利用一張白紙剪切出無數的面板, 藉由推,開,關找尋的動作, 呈現出立體的窗門,在光影中,以幽默的提名" Where are you?" (英直譯 "你在哪?" 隱喻 "尋") 來詢問觀者其生命的定位與存在的議題。

The billboard art was installed to respond to the unpleasant situation arising from a newly installed exit of a new parking lot that directly faces Roger's home in Pingtung, Taiwan.  

The new parking lot replaced an old run-down government housing that used to occupy a large corner block for decades and created undesired traffic to Chingtao street that once was quiet and quaint.  

We decided that if everyone exits the parking lot is forced to face Roger's home, we can choose the content for people to see. That's when Chingtao 21 Billboard Art Project was born, named after the address of Roger's townhouse in Pingtung, Taiwan.    

Installing a billboard art does not suggest that we welcome this unpleasant situation. The billboard helps us to take some control and shift our focus onto the idea of bringing art into the surrounding community.   

The current artwork on the billboard is "Where are you?" With a humorous title, the artwork intends to use the act of searching, among countless panels resembling doors and windows, to prompt the viewer to examine philosophically the context of life he or she has chosen or created for himself or herself.

We intend to change the image on the billboard unannounced, starting with using images of our artwork and with a future possibility to include other artists' work. This Billboard Art is the first installed in the City of Pingtung. Almost all the people in the area have never seen a billboard with no commercial purpose. We feel that's perfect because what other better way to bring art into the community than a billboard quietly ignites curiosity.  

Current Billboard Artwork:

Where are you?  

A blank white card is cut into a sea of panels. An array of shades is created by pushing the panels inward and outward. While the title speaks of the playfulness and humor in the act of pushing the panels, it contains a conceptual meaning in questioning the viewer's existence.   

Size: 151' x 100' x 7"

Materials: Ink on vinyl