Mizzonk's sand installation Zero Hour,a digital clock set to zero, placed within the circular “O” of a large SOS structure made of burnt timber.

Zero hour within distress signal

Press release by Ted Youngs:

Ted Youngs and Mizzonk present Zero Hour, an ephemeral sand installation

This Friday, August 2nd, 2019, for 24 hours, an art installation made of sand will sit within the large-scale, wildfire-focused exhibit The Smoke Season.

Ted Youngs, an artist and storyteller, invited Mizzonk, a BC-based artist collective, to interpret his work The Smoke Season, which was installed at Seattle Center and Pacific Science Center during the summer of 2019. Working with one of three pieces in the exhibit, Distress Signal, Mizzonk developed an ephemeral sand installation that was sited for 24 hours from August 2nd to August 3rd. The opening was scheduled from 7-9 PM on August 2nd, 2019.

Zero Hour represents a digital clock with its hours, minutes and seconds set to zero. It will sit within the "O" of the 52,000 point SOS written in burnt timber that is Distress Signal. The piece will provide an environment in which to consider the time between the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. Visitors to the site will be asked to remain silent while within the logs that make up Zero Hour's frame. Distress Signal's call for help and Zero Hour's expression of urgency remind us of the fulcrum point of our current moment. This boundary of silence provides a buffer for contemplation and a mechanism to build confidence in what we next bring into being.

Zero Hour Installation Size / grass area: 4 feet x 24 feet

Material: natural sand

Visitors walking around Mizzonk's Zero Hour installation, pausing to observe the sand clock within the charred timber.
Wan-Yi installating Mizzonk's Zero Hour in Seattle Center's front lawn. A temporary public art by Mizzonk in Seattle, WA, USA.
Aerial view of Mizzonk's Zero Hour at Seattle Center, showing the sand clock embedded within the large-scale burnt timber SOS.
Close-up of Mizzonk's Zero Hour, the ephemeral sand clock inside Ted Youngs' distress signal installation, highlighting the contrast between fragility and permanence.
Whole view of Mizzonk's Zero Hour, a public art installation exploring urgency and enviromental crisis, installed in Seattle Center, WA, USA.
Mizzonk's Zero Hour exhition announcement card, showing it is in partnership with The Smoke Season by Ted Young.
A person sitting in silent contemplation before Mizzonk's Zero Hour installation, reflecting on themes of urgency and environmental crisis.
Mizzonk's Zero Hour at Seattle Center, showing the Space Needle as its backdrop.
Aerial view of the SOS Distress Signal where Mizzonk's Zero Hour will reside temporarily for 24 hours.

Seen through the glass floor at the top of the Space Needle, Ted Youngs’ “Distress Signal” is a cry for help spelled out in 40-foot-tall burned trees. (Photo by Brangien Davis/Crosscut)

Wide shot Mizzonk's Zero Hour capturing many visitors around the public art showing Smoke Season exhibition with Mizzonk's Zero Hour nestled inside the massive SOS distress signal by Ted Young.

Six Acres 六畝地


Regarding The Discarded