Mizzonk’s installation War confronts conflict, divides, and the human compulsion for victory. The work envelops the viewer within a triangular "war zone," where the words "I will win" resonate in 75 languages, juxtaposed with the universal game of rock, paper, scissors. This setting highlights the futility inherent in war. It reveals that in the relentless pursuit of triumph, true victory remains elusive. The strategic placement of rocks, paper, and scissors at each corner of the triangle functions as a reminder. The tools of conflict are everywhere, yet their outcomes are perpetually cyclical and unresolved. By immersing the viewer in this space, the artwork provokes perceptions of competition and dominance, inviting a reflection on the true cost of our unyielding desire to "win.
"Installation Dimensions: 190" x 190" x 90"
Material: Wood, Text Print, Stones, Paper, Found Objects