My home, garden, and dream
A Seeker from a Distant Clamour is an art installation attempting to use conscious thoughts to find peace amid chaos.
"Inspired and nurtured by my garden, I want to use mental images to create the world in which I want to be; however unreal the attempt may seem to be, it is authentic because it brings peace to my very being.
For the artwork, I use written phrases to present my visualization and stage a writer's desk and a chair to depict an ongoing visualization in mind. The words, arranged in three groups, under subjects of home, garden, and dreams, bring me to focus on my root, inseparable connection with nature and what I look for in life, respectively; together, they help me feel closer to the whole. Each phrase is a conscious observation from the past with words chosen to create imagery, enable human senses, and connect with faith.
Using watercolor ink and brush, I attentively wrote the text on strips of watercolor paper, which are grouped by subject and arranged radially on low-rise round tables, creating an intended viewing approach to walk around the tables. In doing so, pauses between readings become possible to contemplate, similar to pauses required in reading a poem.
In the process of creating this artwork, I was fascinated by the meaning and significance of seemingly insignificant things and memories; thus, I question what makes a person who he or she is, and how one can see clearly and access his or her unique makeup to feel peace and whole in his/her way?" — Wan-Yi
Size: 170” x 170” 32”H
Material: watercolor ink and paper, wood, paint, lights, and found objects