I Am The One Man Show


I Am The One Man Show is an ongoing documentation project led by Roger Chen. The intro of this documentation debuted on the evening of Dec. 22nd, 2018, at the Outdoor Plaza of the Pingtung Performing Arts Center in the city of Pingtung, Taiwan, Roger's birth city and hometown. 

The project started as a way for Roger to examine his relationship with his work through a camera lens, reflecting on the values and beliefs learned as a child and commenting on their impacts on him as an adult.

Since 2015, the artist Roger Chen has started filming himself working on his projects. Up till now, the entire documentation contains over 3000 hours of labour-intensive tasks, all executed by himself alone. The documentation includes time-lapse, videos, and photographs. Roger's projects are of considerable variety, demonstrating his numerous interests in diverse subjects. His attention to detail and self-learn ability have enabled him to acquire simple to professional trade skills, helpful in customizing a unique way of living. 

Through his camera lens, Roger was able to see himself with a more objective perspective. He began to question if his need to learn new things derived from fear or joy. The answers may not always be certain, and they shift sometimes, yet the courage to ask such a question is liberating. 

我是場獨角戲 是一個由Roger Chen領導的持續計劃. 其序幕於2018年12月22日下午5:30至9點在台灣屏東屏東表演藝術中心戶外廣場首次公演。屏東市是陳哲實(Roger Chen)的出生跟成長的故鄉。

自2015年以來,藝術家陳哲實(Roger Chen)開始用相機記錄自己所做的工作, 工作種類大小非常多樣而且都是一人完成,到目前已經記錄了超過3000小時。 我是場獨角戲-序幕 是一個25分鐘的視頻,短暫地體驗過去4年大量記錄的一小部分。


透過鏡頭,陳哲實(Roger Chen)開始能夠用比較客觀的視角看自己,並開始質疑自己為何有需要去常常學習新的事物和技能,這需求是基於恐慌還是喜樂? 答案永遠不是這麼黑白,但能提出這樣的問題就是一種解放。